Repeat Prescriptions


We are a dispensing practice, which means we dispense medication for our patients. If you would rather have your prescriptions dispensed elsewhere, you will need to provide a stamped addressed envelope for us to send the prescription to a pharmacy.

Following a consultation with a clinician, medicines are normally dispensed straight away after the appointment.

How to Order Repeat Prescriptions

A minimum of 7 working days must be allowed for repeat prescription requests therefore they cannot be requested at a consultation or home visit for immediate collection. If you wish to pick up repeats at the same time as your appointment please order them 7 days beforehand. Please allow an additional working day over bank holidays and busy periods.

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Automated Prescription Collection Machine

Comberton and Eversden Surgeries are proud to announce the installation of PharmaSelf, an automated prescription collection service that is available 24/7, at Comberton Surgery

How it works

To collect your medications from PharmaSelf you must complete this consent form. Once you are registered to collect your medication from PharmaSelf, all future prescriptions will be collected from the machine.

When your medication is ready for collection, you or your nominated representative, will be sent a text message with a PIN code. This is valid for 3 days, within which you must collect your prescription.

Upon arrival at the PharmaSelf, please follow the on screen instructions. You will be asked to enter your PIN code (this will be different each time you collect so please use the most recent code) and then your medication will be released. 


Card payments can be taken by PharmaSelf. If you are exempt, other than on age grounds, it will be your responsibility to ensure the dispensary are informed of your current exemption details and inform them if this ever changes.

This service is open to any patients registered at Comberton and Eversden Surgeries, but please note there will only be one PharmaSelf, which will be located at the Comberton site.


Due to storage requirements, PharmaSelf is unable to be used for controlled medications and some refrigerated items.

We are not placing any glass bottles into the machine to avoid breakages as we do not want any patients or their representatives to be harmed.

There are also size restrictions so if your medicine is usually supplied in one of our extra large carrier bags it may not fit within the machine.

If you are unsure whether your medication can be collected from PharmaSelf please speak to a member of the dispensary team.

Code of conduct

Due to Comberton Surgery being situated in a residential area, it is imperative that our neighbours are respected. In order to keep disruption to a minimum, we ask patients to;

  • collect between the hours of 6am and 10pm, unless in exceptional circumstances
  • turn engines off whilst parked
  • no high beam to be used whilst in the car park
  • no excessive noise (e.g. loud music, raised voices, revving of engines, etc.)
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Use the NHS App

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the NHS App which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice.


Image of the NHS App

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Order Online with SystmOnline

SystmOnline Logo

You can order your repeat prescription online using SystmOnline.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using SystmOnline which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice.


Image of family using SystmOnline
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Order Online with Airmid App

SystmOnline Logo

You can order your repeat prescription online using the Airmid App.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the Airmid App which links directly to your Prescription record at the Practice. The Airmid App is part of SystmOnline.


Image of man accessing Airmid App
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Your Local Pharmacy

Image of medication bottles

Pharmacy Ordering / Collection Service

Your pharmacy can also order your medication on your behalf. This saves you time and unnecessary visits to the Practice. Please contact the Pharmacy of your choice for more information if you wish to use this service.


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In Person

You will be given a slip of paper with the names of the medicines which may be repeated. You can obtain further supplies by bringing/posting this slip to the surgery

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By Post

You can post your prescription slip or written request to us at the Practice

You must include a stamped addressed envelope for return by post if you will not be able to pick up your prescription from the Surgery. Please allow at least seven days if requesting your medication by post.

We cannot accept repeat prescription requests over the phone or via email.

Ordering Your Medication

If you order online or by App you will be able to order medication 14 days before it is next due. Your App or online account will state ‘issued’ when the prescription has been sent to the Dispensary, once it has been issued please allow 7 working days for the Dispensary to prepare your medication. If the system states you cannot order please type the items you need in the text box which is sometimes called custom request. You will receive a text message when it has been dispensed and ready to collect. Please note certain types of medication are subject to GP review and strict monitoring and you will need to ensure you attend for any blood tests or reviews that are required.  If you are a Pharmaself patient (the machine in the wall) you will need to wait for a second message containing the pin number. The pin number expires after 3 days, there can be a gap of up to 24 hours between the 2 messages.

If you order by posting into our repeat prescription order box / email. You will receive a text message when it has been dispensed and ready to collect. Allow 7 working days from the next working day you place your order for your medication to be dispensed. Please note certain types of medication are subject to GP review and strict monitoring and you will need to ensure you attend for any blood tests or reviews that are required.  If you are a Pharmaself patient (the machine in the wall) you will need to wait for a second message containing the pin number. The pin number expires after 3 days. There can be a gap of up to 24 hours between the 2 messages.

If you order by managed repeat we will take your order at the point of handing you 28 days’ supply of your medication. We will advise you of the approximate date it will be ready. You will receive a text when it is ready to collect.

Please help us to help you. Do not let your medication run very low or run out before ordering, we are seeing an increasing amount of this that then affects others ordering in plenty of time. If we owe you medication when you collect this will be ordered (provided there is no manufacturing issue) and we will send another message when it is ready. If you are not signed up to text messaging please collect in the week you are due to run out.


When you come to collect your medication and it is not quite ready we will offer a sit and wait service or book a date and AM/PM slot for you to return.

Please read all text messages carefully.

Medication Reviews

Your medical condition and medication will be reviewed regularly. Your prescription will show a Medication Review date which will usually be set on your Birthday or 6 months after that to integrate with our Chronic Disease Recall Programme. If the date is overdue when you put in your request the Doctor will need to review your notes before issuing (for patient safety) and will reset the date (this may cause a slight delay in signing) the doctor may add a personalised message advising actions that need to be taken in response to this review. In the unlikely event that  this recall date is more than 6months overdue, please bring this to the attention of the reception staff.

Further Information